
We Planted Vegetables. 野菜の植え付けを行いました

At YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK), an English kindergarten run by Yokohama YMCA, the Cubs (K3 students), grow vegetables every year as part of our dietary education programme.
The vegetables have been planted in containers.  The little gardeners have selected tomatoes (which technically are fruits) and eggplants.
Stones and gravel were placed on the bottom of the planter and the soil poured on top.  Then the gardeners dug holes and lodged the baby plants in them.  We pressed the soil gently to secure the plants.  They are still tiny plants, but we expect them to grow bigger and healthier thanks to the abundance of sunshine (in May).

The watering will take place daily.  Let’s take good care of those plants!

 全日制英語幼児園・YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK) では、食育活動の一環として、毎年、年長クラスの園児たちが夏野菜を栽培しています。

(中央YMCA 中村 礼子)