
【英語学校】幼児 英語であそぼう!5日目(最終日)


Today was our 5th and last day of the program. 

The theme for today was "Sea Animals".

Although it was our last day together, the students were more enthusiastic than ever.

We started off by learning the names of sea animals such as "Whale" and "Octopus". Many students already seemed familiar with some of the sea animals so we were able to zoom through this activity.

Next, using knowledge acquired, the students went fishing! The teacher called out the name of a fish which the students then tried to catch. Everybody was able to catch fish, with some students catching nearly 10 fish. 

For the final activity, the students made their own unique jellyfish using paper plates as the head of the jellyfish, and pieces of colored paper as the tentacles. We had many colorful jellyfish swimming all around the classroom.
Throughout the final day, students showed a drastic improvement in their English ability as they used English phrases more frequently with more confidence. One of the notable phrases was "○○ please" and "Thank you".

Before we said our final goodbyes, there was a short closing ceremony where all the students received a certificate congratulating them for successfully completing the 5 day program. We all made sure to clap when each classmate received their certificate.
Although it was unfortunate that we only got to spend 90 minutes per day together across the span of 5 days, there were clear improvements in each student's English ability. With more exposure to an English speaking environment, the students can really improve their English ability. 
記事:横浜中央YMCA英語学校 Soma leader
担当:横浜中央YMCA英語学校 諏訪小百合(ももリーダー)