
Kitten Class Parents’ Visit

YMCA Global Kindergarten・活動報告

Yesterday, we had a great time with the Puppy class’ parents.  Today, the Kitten class’ parents visited us and watched the Kitten’s lesson.
The Kitten class’ students are learning English using various interesting activities.  Their daily schedule is filled with much fun time.  What the parents have seen is just a part and parcel of the fun and meaningful activities the Kitten class is doing everyday.  Today’s lesson is everyone’s favorite: Literacy Play.  The children pretended to be doctors and patients and they played using the typical conversation held in hospitals and clinics.  At first, the children showed the skit to the parents.  Then, the parents were invited to join the activity.  We could see the children’s excitement and delight in their bright smiles!  Thank you parents for your kind cooperation!


(YMCAグローバルキンダーガーテン 中村 礼子)