YMCA Global Kindergarten・活動報告
It's autumn. Autumn is a beautiful season. Leaves of trees are gradually changing colors from green to yellow, orange, red and brown…
It's autumn. Autumn is a beautiful season. Leaves of trees are gradually changing colors from green to yellow, orange, red and brown…
To feel this beautiful season and find
autumn colors, the Kitten class and the Cub class of YMCA Global Kindergarten
had a visit to Negishi Forest Park.
Negishi Forest Park is one of their
favorite places where we can run, roll down a hill, play in the woods, find
bugs, and have much more fun. The park shows us different aspects of nature
every time we visit there.
The Cub children learned about the
mechanism of leaves changing colors and picked different colors of leaves. They are planning to make an autumn art with
what they got from the park.
The Kitten children enjoyed the clear
autumn day and played a lot. They found
a big fallen branch in the woods. As the
slightly bending shape seemed to arouse their imagination, the children started
to work together to make an attractive plaything.
It was always nice to see them play and
work together with their friends. The
children are growing steadily through many discoveries and experiences. We are
happy to watch over their growth.
(YMCAグローバルキンダーガーテン 中村 礼子)