YMCA Global Kindergarten・活動紹介
July 7th was Tanabata. At YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK), an English kindergarten run by Yokohama YMCA, we had a Tanabata Festival where we learned about what Tanabata is, how we celebrate the festival, etc.
July 7th was Tanabata. At YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK), an English kindergarten run by Yokohama YMCA, we had a Tanabata Festival where we learned about what Tanabata is, how we celebrate the festival, etc.
Also, we enjoyed the puppet show, the story
of Orihime and Hikoboshi, by the YGK teachers.
During art time, they made wish strips
(Tanzaku) and hang them on bamboo branches.
Kitten class students even made their own paper-crafted bamboos.
This was how we learned and had fun over
one of the Japanese traditional annual events.
Soon, one of our biggest events, the
Operetta, will be held. Each class' children
are busy practicing their play. We look
forward to seeing all the YGK parents there.
We are quite sure that you will be enchanted by their performances.
(YMCA Global Kindergarten 中村 礼子)