
Every Day Is A Happy Day. 毎日楽しく過ごしています

全日制英語幼児園・YMCA Global Kindergarten 

At YMCA Global Kindergarten, an English Kindergarten run by Yokohama YMCA, one month has passed since the new school year started in April.  In YGK Joey class which is an English child care class for 2-3 year children, we have 20 new students and spend joyful days together.
We have a lot of fun activities everyday.  We had a special event, we called it a family lunch, we thought it would help to deepen the relations among parents, teachers and of course children.  As one month has passed, the Joeys have settled down gradually and started getting used their surroundings, away from home and from their parents.  But on that Family Lunch day, they were still happy to have their parents in their classroom and have lunch together with them,though.
We interacted with other classes, too.  The puppies, K1 students visited the Joey’s classroom and enjoyed parachute activities together.

We are going out to the family picnic next week with all the classes.  Let’s have a happy time under the warm spring sun!

 全日制英語幼児園・YMCA Global Kindergartenでは、4月に今年度が始まり、約1ヶ月が経ちました。プレ幼児園のYGK ジョーイクラスも、全部で20名のお友達をお迎えし、毎日賑やかに過ごしています。


(中央YMCA 中村 礼子)