
【英語学校】幼児 英語であそぼう!4日目


Today, we explored the topic of weather.

We started off by singing "the Weather Song" together. Everybody sang with passion and enthusiasm as we learned about feelings associated with each type of weather, such as "hot" and "cold".

Following our wonderful ensemble, we learned about different equipment we use in different types of weather through an artsy worksheet. During this activity, the students were able to say "Can I have 〇〇 please" and fill in the blanks with the names of the equipment, such as "umbrella" and "sunglasses".
After a relaxing break, we took a look at clouds of all different shapes and sizes and tried designing our own clouds with colorful strings. Some students tried shaping their clouds into vehicles, whilst some tried shaping their clouds into animals or simple but pretty shapes.

To finish off the class, we all had fun making sunglasses out of colorful pipe-cleaners. The students enjoyed choosing which colors to use. Once again, the students were able to say "Can I have 〇〇 please", but this time filling in the blanks using colors that we have learned over the past 3 days.

Once we all finished making our sunglasses, we got together to take a group picture. 
Everybody looks so cool!

The students seem to have gelled together nicely and seem to be having a blast.

It's unfortunate that tomorrow is the last day, but let's have fun!

記事:横浜中央YMCA英語学校 Soma leader
担当:横浜中央YMCA英語学校 諏訪小百合(ももリーダー)