
November is the Peace Month.

November is the Peace Month.
Let's wish for peace of our friends all over the world.

What is "Peace"?
We may not have chance to think about "Peace" often in our daily lives.  The Peace Month can be a good opportunity for us to think more deeply about "Peace".

What can we can do?

  • Draw/Write a peace message on a peace dove and send it to the YMCAs overseas.
  • Make a donation.
  • Learn about our world.
  • Join the Welcome Fiesta.  It is a fund-raising event organized by Yokohama YMCA and held on Friday, November 23.  There will be a haunted house, flea markets, ethnic food stands and more!



  • 平和の鳩にメッセージを書こう。皆が書いてくれたメッセージは世界のYMCAに送られます。
  • 国際・地域協力募金を集めよう。
  • 世界で起きていることをしろう。
  • チャリティーイベント・ウェルカムフェスタに参加しよう。11月23日(金・祝)は中央YMCAに遊びに来てね。ゲームコーナーやお化け屋敷、エスニック屋台等、楽しいことが盛りだくさん!