YMCA Global Kindergarten・活動報告
How time flies! It’s September already. We feel the changes of the seasons, the cool breeze coming in.
How time flies! It’s September already. We feel the changes of the seasons, the cool breeze coming in.
Here at YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK),
children are happy, friendly and incredibly active, as always. Recently, they are a bit busy as each class
has started practicing for the upcoming Sports Day. We are definitely sure that they will show off
their strengths and growth in the form of group dance or games.
YGK graduates are also more than welcome to
join! The sports day will fall on
Sunday, October 16. So, mark the date
and let’s embrace the spirit of friendship and sportsmanship. We look forward to seeing all the YGK
(YMCAグローバルキンダーガーテン 中村 礼子)