
Nature Hike

YMCA Global Kindergarten・園外保育実施報告

At YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK), an English kindergarten run by Yokohama YMCA, Cub class (Nencho) had a nature hike in Negishi Forest Park.
We enjoyed a nature scavenger hunt and found roly-polies, dandelions, clovers, pebbles, twigs, etc.  We had so much fun blowing puffballs.  Roly-polies were hard to find as they can hide themselves in a rotten tree stump.
We also enjoyed Piñata tag.  They liked picking candies so much!
We played ‘Duck-Duck-Goose’ game, too.  We ran so hard and laughed a lot!  It was so fun!
The most enjoyable part is, of course, the lunch time definitely.  It feels so nice to have our yummy lunch outdoors.
After lunch, we enjoyed ourselves fully by running or rolling down the hill, etc.
We would like to keep our appreciation toward the blessings of nature in our minds always.
Family Picnic is coming soon!  Let’s all have fun together!


YMCA Global Kindergarten 中村 礼子)