
Congratulations on your graduation!

YMCA Global Kindergarten・卒園式のご報告 

On Saturday, March 19, 2016, YMCA Global Kindergarten held a graduation ceremony for the school year 2015-2016 graduates. Six graduates made a new step to elementary school this year. One of them had to leave for Korea before the graduation day, but with the great help from other graduates’ parents, we were able to see her and share our moments with her and her family in Korea.
Each of the graduates received his/her diploma and made a speech in front of the audience.
We are proud to witness how they have grown from being tiny and shy, into being tall, confident and bright. We are sure that each of them will have a bright and promising future ahead of them. We always wish for their happiness.

We are also thankful to the parents and families who had been very supportive to us throughout the year.

Congratulations everyone on your graduation. We look forward to seeing you grow more and more. Wishing you the best of luck!

 2016年3月19日(土)に全日制英語幼児園 YMCA Global Kindergartenの2015年度の卒園式が執り行われました。6名の園児が園を巣立ち、小学校へと一歩を踏み出しました。卒園児のうち1名は、卒園式を待たずに韓国へ帰国をされましたが、保護者の皆様の多大なるお力添えにより、韓国と日本を結び、この記念すべきひと時を共有することが出来ました。

