
Vegetables are growing stronger and healthier, so do the Cubs!

全日制英語幼児園・YMCA Global Kindergarten

At YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK), an English kindergarten run by Yokohama YMCA, the Cubs (K3 students) are growing vegetables on the rooftop of the YMCA building.
Almost one month has passed since the planting in the beginning of May.  They are growing bigger, stronger and healthier just as the Cubs do!!
We can see many green tomatoes becoming bigger and fatter.  Tiny yellow flowers are blooming here and there.  When we touch them, we can smell the fresh tomato already.
Also, the eggplants are getting taller and thicker. and their leaves are becoming bigger.  Their stems and the edges of the leaves are purple just like the eggplants.

As the summer is approaching, we will see more changes in the plants.  When the tomatoes and the eggplants are ripe, the children will cook and eat them.  Umm, sounds yummy!!

全日制英語幼児園・YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK)では、カブクラス(年長)の園児たちがYMCAの屋上で野菜を育てています。

(YMCA Global Kindergarten 中村 礼子)