
Looking Forward to Spring 春を探しに

全日制英語幼児園・YMCA Global Kindergarten 園外保育のご報告

At YMCA Global Kindergarten (YGK), an English kindergarten run by Yokohama YMCA, we have various fun activities organised around monthly themes throughout the school year.  As they had learned about “spring” in April, the Kittens (K2 students) visited Negishi Forest Park to experience spring “in the wild”.
On a nice and sunny day, we went to the park by bus.  It was the first time this class used public transports together.  They noted that there are usually many people on the bus.  The teachers asked them: “How loud can we talk in a bus?”  “What are the rules and manners when we walk?”  The Cubs were well prepared before leaving.  In the end, they could keep almost all of those rules and manners. 
In the park, magnifying lens in hand, we looked for bugs, birds and flowers.  The little botanists loved dandelions fluff, while the entomologists observed a roly-poly hiding in the shade of a stump.  We wonder how different a world they found through the looking glass.  Along with those, we could spot many birds chirping or pecking here and there.  We noticed that many living things become active in the spring.
But the most awaited part of this day was the outdoor lunch!  The students were all smiles eating the yummy lunch that their moms had cooked for them.
In the afternoon, we had fun playing with bubbles, Frisbees, etc.  We ran and laughed a lot!!  We totally enjoyed spring weather through fun learning and playing.
More activities and events are waiting ahead of us.  We hope you will enjoy these.  Don’t miss the chance!

 全日制英語幼児園・YMCA Global Kindergartenでは、毎月のテーマに添って、様々な楽しい活動を行っています。4月のテーマの一つが「春」でしたので、年中クラスの園児たちが根岸森林公園に春を探しに出かけてきました。

(中央YMCA 中村 礼子)