
【YMCA Global Kindergarten】YGKサイエンスクラブが始まりました


サイエンスクラブとは、心がワクワクするような楽しいサイエンスの活動を、英語で行う、新しいアプローチのクラスです。全日制英語幼児園・YMCA Global Kindergartenで培ったバイリンガル教育への情熱と経験をギュッと詰め込みました。見て、触れて、感じることを大切にした体験型クラスですので、英語が初めてのお友達も、きっと英語もサイエンスも大好きになるでしょう!

An interesting class, "YGK Science Club" has just started this month!
This is a new type of class held on Saturday mornings where children enjoy scientific encounters using English as the language of communication.
We, YMCA Global Kindergarten, have been pursuing a better bilingual education for young children since 2003.
We put all our knowledge, experience and passion into starting up this new class.
As it is a hands-on-activity-based program, even if children have little or no exposure to English, we are quite sure that they will still love this class.
There are so many wonders around us.  And we, teachers, are passionate about exploring those together with the children every week.
Although we have just started this class, we have been already awed by their great observation skills and abundant curiosity. 
Fun and exciting activities await you every week.
To decide if this class is the right one for your child, please feel free to take our trial lessons. Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
We look forward to seeing you soon. 
詳しくは、YMCA Global Kindergartenまで。