YMCA Global Kindergarten・活動報告
Today marks the first relay practice day for this year’s YGK Sports Day! We can feel the spirit of teamwork and healthy competition coming alive here!
#yokohamaymca #ymcaglobalkindergarten #ygk #relay #healthycompetition #sportsday #practice
#横浜ymca #ymcaグローバルキンダーガーテン #運動会 #リレー #練習
Today marks the first relay practice day for this year’s YGK Sports Day! We can feel the spirit of teamwork and healthy competition coming alive here!
#yokohamaymca #ymcaglobalkindergarten #ygk #relay #healthycompetition #spor
#横浜ymca #ymcaグローバルキンダーガーテン #運動会 #リレー #練習